most things I do are somewhere between the following
There's also a list of most the stuff that I have done that I can remember and am happy to tell you about
Earth AD co-commissioned by Wysing Arts Centre, FACT, and Quad. This is a virtual + IRL project about a community of girls looking after an ancient bipedal robot! CLICK THE IMAGE FOR DOCUMENTATION!
The Well of Sickness Shimmering in collaboration with artist Bella Paloma. Its a digital holy well. its a poetry machine. its here.
In collab with Dublin artist Olivia Normile we made a publication and artwork on animal doubles for Periphery
I wrote on a beutiful exhibition for glasgow international (Unnatural* Urges by Laura Lulika, Hang Linton, Jack Murphy & Clay AD with curatorial support from Zoƫ Tumika.) which is here here
and I wrote on a beutiful performance for glasgow international (Corpores Infames: Disreputable Bodies by Rabindrath X Bhose, Belladonna Paloma, and Oren Shoesmith) which is here here
I'm currently the lead artist for the artist development programme Sylabus VII Syllabus VII
I am v happy to have been asked to serve as Trustee for Broken Grey Wires which is a fantastic art organisation focused on the sick, disabled, and mad. gang gang.
Other stuff I'm currently in residence at University of Sunderland, learning to work with stained glass and using their print studio to work on etching. im trying to find time to produce some new ceramics. I'm also a 2024 Axis Fellow.
I also regularly run workshops and art mentoring , write for commission, and do research support. I need to update this with more details when I get a chance but if its something you're interested in based on the scattering for stuff on here, HMU at the email address at the bottom of this page.
I started up an instagram page selling my drawings, its called @pipesbongsskinsetc.
you can contact me on largegroupofdogs {[AATT]} Gmail [{dottt}]com