2024 I wrote the commissioned text for Glasgow International to go with the exhibition Unnatural* Urges by Laura Lulika, Hang Linton, Jack Murphy & Clay AD with curatorial support from Zoƫ Tumika.
2024 I wrote the commissioned text for Glasgow International to go with the performance Corpores Infames: Disreputable Bodies by Rabindrath X Bhose, Belladonna Paloma, and Oren Shoesmith
2024 Quad International Digital Fellow intro video
2023 I wrote the commissioned text for James Cabaniuk's exhibition "There's a hole in my Bucket" at Slugtown, Newcastle
2023 Dr Emeri Curd wrote a wonderful review of Earth AD 2 at FACT
2023 Morgan Jennings wrote a perfect review of Earth AD 2 at FACT
2023 I did an interview with Patrick Kirk-Smith on Earth AD 2 at FACT for Art in Liverpool
2023 In Conversation with Johanna Hedva at FACT Liverpool
2023 I wrote a review of Middlesbrough Art Week 2023 for Corridor 8
2023 I wrote a short story about being exhumed from a grave by a pack of dogs for Deleuzine Vol 2
2023 2 part podcast with my beloved Johanna talking about our research into occult La and film noir.
2023 I wrote a review of Two Plus Two Makes Four at The Auxiliary, Middlesbrough for Corridor 8
2022 I wrote a suite of illustrated poems entitled The Speculative Dismemberment of Agent Leon Kennedy published in the Market Gallery publication A Wet and Heavy Noise.
2021 I wrote a short story Waste Work is included in vol for of TEXTUR (FULL TEXT AT LINK).
2021 I was on a panel about disability and digital art
2021 I made a series of prints entitled Appropriate Technology which were included in Holly White's publication Leaving Biosphere 2.
2021 I did a workshop for University of The Underground on using diagrams and horror stories as creative methodologies
Unfolding Shrines got reviewed in The Art Newspaper
As part of my 2021 fellowship at Akademie Schloss Solitude I was was intreviewed by my friend and guide through doom, Johanna hedva. We talked about heavy metal.
I did this interview with the wonderful Lesley Taker of FACT about a lot of related stuff, as I was making the game Animal Agency as part of the 2020 FACT Together digital fellowship.
I made digital toolkit thing to help artists use game mechanics as part of studio practice, it was comissioned by NewBridge Project in Newcastle and you can find it here
I was invited to contribute to this free zine edited by Lesley Guy which you can download here
I made some stuff for and editted Horsebites Zine w/ Elena Colman, Rebecca Bligh, Hestia Peppe, Sophie Helf online/in print which is here. If you emailme and i still have copies left, ill post you the printed version for free
Paperwork Issue 3 which contains an RPG I wrote and drew and you can find here.
I wrote a thing which is included in THE GRAVESIDE ORATIONS OF CARL EINSTEIN, which is here
The Bodies that Remain which contains some Buffy erotic fiction I wrote and you can find here.
An article I was interviewed for on the use of Gamesworkshop iconography in art which is here.
Alembic, a cyberfeminist publication put out by Res. Gallery, contains a SF rural horror story I wrote and you can find here.
So in 2020, I got a PhD. I think of it as a philosophy of art practice articulated through care. You can read the abstract here, and then if oyu want click through for the whole thing
I wrote a short story on SSRIs and love for collapsing brains as part of this anthology, "On Care" edited by Rebecca Jargoe and Sharon Kivland
Since about 2020, every time I write a proposal for something like commission or a conference or job or whatever I upload it here whether it is successful or not, I figure transparency is important.
When I was doing my PhD (2016-end of 2019) I archived all my work for internal milestones, project aproval, but also conference and exhibition applications, funding bids during that time. there's some horrible draft chapters in there too. I would not have got through my PhD without support from artists and researchers outside my instituion and I thik its important that we have this kind of transparency with our work. I'm always open to talking to people about applying/doing PhD research, you can get me at the email below.
you can contact me on largegroupofdogs {[AATT]} Gmail [{dottt}]com