These are some games I've made

The Well of Sickness Shimmering (2023) Which is mine and bella's digital holy well.

Elan Vitale (2023) which is an interactive horror story about creeping around a house that I made for Container

Elan Vitale a story about death

Earth AD: Low Estate (2023) Which is the game that goes alongside Earth AD 2.

Surface of Scum, a Necrotic Character Generator (2022) which is a tool for producing unstable characters, visions of the future, and poems.

Take The Moonlight By The Tail (2021) which is a game I made in Twine for the Open Screen platform of Arebyte Gallery, London


Lich Way Party Train (2021) which is a game I made in Twine for the NET//WORK Residency at Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge

Knights of the sun

Mansions of Mist 1 (2021) which is a game I made for the AR app "Unfolding Shrines" commissioned by Shape Arts, London


The_Endless_Hallucinatory_Love_of_the_Riders_at_The_Long_Point_of_Death (2021) which is a game I made in Twine for the Johanna Hedva curated Post-Doom digital fellowship at Akademie Solitude, Stuttgart


Animal Agency (2020) which is a game made in Adventure Game Studio about napping with pets to solve your depression

Alpha Alpha Nine Twenty (2019) which is a game made in Twine about diplomacy, drugs, and disaster feat cameo's from Johanna Hedva, Michelle Forbes, and Spike from Buffy.

It was made for the online componant of "Horse Bites Fence" a zine about care and crip solidarity with Elena Colman, Rebecca Bligh, Hestia Peppe, and Sophie Helf website with digital copy is here.

A load of previous games I've made, mostly in Bitsy and Twine are on my which is here.

you can contact me on largegroupofdogs {[AATT]} Gmail [{dottt}]com

an image of a head

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